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Coming Soon, Parents & Students!

Roaring Back to School is a community event in which students, parents, and families from surrounding communities have an opportunity to prepare for a new school year in a fun environment.  Backpacks and school supplies are distributed and community organizations offer tons of valuable information and resources.

This year, Westville Area Chamber of Commerce will sponsor this event that happens on Thursday, August 1, 2024 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm at both PNW campuses.

There are a number of ways that you can support this event:

  • Monetary donation/sponsorship (we will shop for school supplies)
    Donation Link: https://pnw.edu/giving/backpack-giveaway
  • School snack donations (boxed, non-perishable snacks)
  • Host a resource table and share information with families
  • Volunteer your time to help at the event

If you are interested in partnering with PNW to help make this event a huge success, please let us know. Your company/organization will be recognized in signage at the event. We hope to make this a fun and enjoyable event for our Northwest Indiana school families and students. Your support and participation will be greatly appreciated! To participate or donate, please contact:

Christina M. Maldonado                                                           Julie Wiejak
Parent, Community, and Early Education Liaison              Executive Director,  Undergraduate Admissions
Purdue University Northwest                                                  Purdue University Northwest
(219) 989-2708 | maldon55@pnw.edu                                 (219) 989-2708  | jwiejak@pnw.edu